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TV Interviews 2019


BSF got some air time on two different television networks! NBC4 started a Thursday morning spotlight on people making a difference in the community. They asked their viewers and got an overwhelming amount of people that said The BrockStrong Foundation. So for their first segment they filmed from The Johnson’s house starting at 4:00am and ending at 7:00am. They filmed a small segment every half hour talking about Brock, what the foundation has done, what is coming up and how you can be a part of it.

The next week Terry and Kristi were invited on the set of Good Day Columbus to talk about the BrockStrong Foundation. In their short, 5-minute segment, they were able to share some information about Brock and the foundation. Anchors Kurt Ludlow and Jessica Ralston didn’t know what they were getting into as they were B-Rocked into tears at the end.

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