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Brocktober 19th! 2019


Every year on Brock’s birthday – Brocktober 19th – the Foundation spends the day doing 11 BIG random acts of kindness in honor of Brock. This year we were joined by 140 volunteers that chose to spend the day with us. Wesplit into 4 superhero groups, each with a different list of acts of kindness to accomplishment. Here’s a re-cap of our awesome day…

  • RAK 1: We started the day eating breakfast at Waffle House in CW and Pickerington Diner, leaving big tips for all of the employees when we left.

  • RAK 2: From there we went to Briggs HS and Van Buren Shelter where wegave away 250 pairs of athletic shoes.

  • RAK 3 & 4: Then onto Groveport Madison HS JV game, Pickerington Central vs. Pick North JV game as well as Pickerington Youth Athletic fields where we gave away Frosty coupons and H2O bottles.

  • RAK 5, 6 & 7: Next was the most productive hour of the day as we did all of these things at the same time… Paid for food in 6 restaurant drive-thrus in 2 different cities, paid for groceries at 2 grocery stores in 2 different cities and served lunch at the Ronald McDonald House.

  • RAK 8 & 9: We left those places and met to shop at 3 different stores for our grocery bag giveaways. We packed over 300 bags of groceries in about 30 minutes which we then delivered to 2 low income, elderly apartment complexes in CW and Pickerington as well as left bags door to door at an additional apartment complex in CW.

  • RAK 10: We asked the school libraries for a wish list this year to do something for the schools. We donated 2 iPad and 3 Little Bit sets to the HS, 111 books for the author to sign for students at the Middle School author visit as well as donated $1111 for the book fairs at both elementary schools..

  • RAK 11: Our 11th RAK was done by a separate group of about 25 who worked on painting the bike trail fence in CW.

But wait… There’s more! We held a birthday bash at Stradley Park in CW where we had a face painter, balloon maker, bounce house, DJ and food-all for free! We collected board games to donate to NCH and for every board game that was donated, the person donating was put into a raffle for 11 of Brock’s favorite things. This included Buckeye tickets, a fire pit and gift cards to 9 of Brock’s favorite place.

It was a great day celebrating an awesome kid who would have turned 19 this year! If you were able to join us this year, we hope you loved it! If not, next year it is a Monday so save a vacation day to join us for one of the best days you will have! #BrockStrong

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